Here’s my update on Week 4 of my project on how to use Zendesk to streamline customer support efforts, if you want to see more about my project click here!

If you missed my Week 3 recap you can click here!

Main Focus

My main goal this week was to create snippets using one of the features on Zendesk. I also wanted to make sure that I could hold a conversation only using snippets.

What I learned

This week I learned how to create snippets or shortcuts to create typed-out messages ready to send to the customer. I also learned you can implement placeholders in your snippets so it can automatically fill in the information you have set to go there.

What I accomplished

What I really wanted to accomplish was getting the hang of using snippets in a conversation, and having snippets to follow up to each question. I felt like I did a good job holding a conversation and having enough made snippets to feel comfortable but I can definitely add more.

If you want to see my loom video of using snippets and my progress click here!

This is my last weekly update post, if you missed my previous updates you can look through them all here!