Here’s my update on Week 3 of my project on how to use Zendesk to streamline customer support efforts, if you want to see more about my project click here!

If you missed my Week 2 recap you can click here!

Main Focus

My focus this week was to research their FAQ page and find questions that were common and popular then put them into an automated messaging system on Zendesk for customers whenever someone is busy or not able to answer questions at the moment.

What I learned

This week I learned how to set up chat triggers, which are just automated messages to answer back to customers when a representative isn't on the line to talk to you. Learning this I was able to create a system that could have a conversation with an actual person. To view a video of how I did this, click here!

What I accomplished

My goal this week was to successfully learn and operate Zendesk automated chat and I was able to completely understand how it works and other features in Zendesk that make it easier to communicate with customers. I will be able to use this knowledge going forward when working with companies that use Zendesk or other chatbox tools.

My Plans For Next Week

My plans for the final week of my project are to touch up a little more on some extra features you can use on Zendesk. Also, I want to create faster replies with snippets so I can write back messages faster without typing everything out and also film a looming video of my work.

To see what progress I made in Week 4 of my project you can just click here!